The hub of the borough is Basildon town centre. Construction here started in the 1950's and a piece of art called 'Mans Endeavour' dates from the late 50's. This was attached to a wall but was recently removed to be restored before it takes its place in the town centre once again.
Further down the High Street, heading towards the shop that was occupied by Marks and Spencers, around the area where BHS used to stand, was the site of Barstable Cottage and a small number of ponds, all now completely removed from Basildon, except from old maps.
Behind M&S is the Towngate Theatre, council offices and St. Martins Church. Between the two is the bell tower.
The council offices and theatre had previously been housed in much smaller premises near where the Beehive Pub and the former Maplins shop now stand.
A number of the modern structures in the town centre are Grade II listed.
Brook House, the block of flats built in the early 1960's that dominates the town centre skyline, is a listed building. In recent years it has been suggested that only the V-shaped legs are listed.
Next to this is the raised pool with the bronze 'Mother and Child' statue and fountain is also listed. This was installed in 1962 and the Mother and Child has since become the symbol of Basildon.
The steps and ramp leading down to East Square, the home of the old post office, are also listed. The wall opposite the post office and the steps & bench leading up to the barbers and other shops were also listed but have since been dismantled as a new cinema and restaurants were built in their place.